When deciding which telephone solutions to select for your home or business, you might want to compare several of the most common choices. VoIP and regular landline telephone service are two popular options from which you may choose the most suitable for your household. Here’s some helpful information about the differences between the two. What’s […]
VoIP vs SIP Trunking: Which One To Pick for Your Business
When it comes to the work that we do at eTelCom, we always make sure that our customers understand what they are getting into. When they come to us with questions about VoIP and SIP options, we explain the pros and cons of both so they can make the most informed decision possible given their personal circumstances. […]
The Major Benefits of Internet Provisioning
Here at eTelcom, we provide Internet provisioning, and we understand that not everyone knows what that is or why it might be incredibly important to them. Thus, we decided to take a closer look at the benefits of Internet provisioning to help people understand what it is about Internet provisioning that makes so much sense no matter who you […]
These Main Advantages of SIP Trunking Will Make You Wonder Why You Didn’t Convert Sooner
The benefits of VoIP are good, as far as they go. That is also, however, why companies are now opting for SIP options because they only go so far. Those benefits may also cause many business owners and people to ask why they didn’t convert sooner. What are the benefits of SIP Trunking? Here is […]
Seven Advantages of VoIP Phone Service
VoIP stands for voice over internet protocol, and it’s a technology that allows you to operate a fully functional phone system via an existing internet connection. Traditional phone systems are falling out of common use, and your business still needs a phone system. Luckily, VoIP offers a system that offers many benefits in addition to […]